Friday, February 17, 2012

In Honor of Our Veterans

Let's make every day "Thank A Veteran's Day...

I ran across this spoken word artist as I browsed the internet and thought I would share these words.  I applaud his observation and I hope we "get it right" soon.  

I served in the Marine Corps.  My brothers and sisters have (collectively) served in every branch of the military and their careers span a lifetime.  I am currently having issues with some benefits, but never had an issue with getting up at 5:00 AM and doing what was asked of me for years of uninterrupted service.  In this country, we often do more for celebrities and reality television stars than we do for our "protectors," but again, I digress....    I need not add any more...  .

But, this is just ONE Man's Opinion... What is yours?

1 comment:

  1. Our service men and women should NEVER have to endure red tape or any other delays or issues getting their benefits because, as Sean said above, he never had a problem getting up at 0500 and doing what he was asked (and I would bet going above and beyond)this is a problem. Unfortunately the obstructionist Rebpublican House would like to sweep this under the rug instead of working with our administration and correct these issues!


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