Thursday, August 16, 2012

Love's Triangle: "Don't Do Me That Way..."

Being pulled into a “love triangle” is never a likeable situation.  The probability of all three (or more) people involved becoming bitter is high.  And, in many instances, these three-way affairs often result in broken hearts and misdirected anger.  There can truly be no winner in this game of hearts because the core values of a stable relationship are often squandered while the emotional integrity needed to maintain longevity and trust is trampled.

To me, a relationship must start and end on the same note. If two people come together and discuss the fact that they have the same expectancies, they should both be clear as to what they can (and will) bring to the table. Learning to love someone is full of ups and downs, but these obstacles can be dealt with successfully if honesty is used as the platform for building a lifetime together.

Carrying on secret affairs while trying to learn someone new is never wise. Not only do you under-mind the trust of someone who is genuine in their intent, but you also destroy any chance of their ever feeling comfortable enough to trust you again. Chasing after a lost love or having a few "harmless flings" should only be done while you are still single and carefree - not while you are handling something as precious as another person's heart in the balance. If you are not ready to commit whole-heartedly, then you should just be honest and draw the line at friendship while you get your heart (and mind) in order.

Don't Do Me That Way...
by Sean C. Robinson, August 2012

I am exhausted, tired, and my soul is spent.
I have given myself in all honesty but, still; no recompense.
I find myself losing in a whimsical tug-of-war
Pulling at heart strings and emotions – but what is it all for?

My mental torment is eased only by our physical joy,
But - even then - my heart is treated like an inflatable toy.
When we first met, I was drawn to your hypnotic flame
But then, I found there were others who were doing the same.

You see, modern technology is your only downfall;
You don't return texts, you hardly ever call.
Yet, when I borrowed the phone you say you "don't use"
I read love-riddled messages from Ty, "K", DJ and Bruce.

No longer do I see you through rose colored lenses;
For this rose has thorns and private offenses.
Over seventy-two days of secret rendezvous
Shocked, my mind relives lies and sordid half-truths.

Still, you sit quietly; amused as you watch
Three or more contenders aim poorly for your heart.
Only one is the victor – although he has hurt you before,
And the ones who are worthy move with steps unsure.

You thrive on the attention showered by me and one other
Remaining focused on the failures of your previous lover.
So now, as I sit back and analyze your love-game,
I take note of your warped psyche and  ill-managed pains.

I realize I am a pawn; a negotiable expense,
In your game of emotions; a convenient inconvenience.  
When caught in your lies you say, “Aww... Don’t do me that way…”
As if you are the sole victim of your childish melee.

Oh, please go back to your past!  Free me from this nightmare!
Return to your private heartache and emotional despair!
And, trust, I will go my way and I'll attend to my new wounds.
And, one day, find true love...  What I thought I'd have with you...
But, again, this is just ONE Man's Opinion.... Click the comment button and tell me yours...


  1. (Snaps - multiple times.)This is so true in so many ways. And I bet there have been many people in this situation, whether the Lover or the Lovee. It is never a good turn out when dealing with a love triangle. I know for sure that there is no way to maintain the relationship between the two.

  2. There is nothing left to say. You spoke truth. Pow! There it is...

  3. well this all i got to say it time out for the games cause that how people get hurt and things get real ugly i'm not one to be in a "love triangle" it either me or nothin and believe me its hurt when ur heart is really in sumthing and itz gettin played with. all the lies must stop who want to share sumbody they love with sumone else .......Not me ........

  4. I agree because it holds a lot of infinite truths, however it is conditional. Love from one mate to another was designed to be unconditional. When we learn to live in unity w/o expectations then the lieing, cheating, & player mentallities will fade away. In light we are all imperfect beings living in a world that demands perfection. If we love each w/o expectations then living in harmony will become reality and one's heart being broken will simply become a thing of the past while looking towards a new beginning. I live by this motto that has helped me in my journey of love, "Never cause your mate to suffer for what your past mate has done to hurt you b/c you'll never learn to value the present one standing right in front of you". Love's Triangle should always consist of Him, Her, and the "One" who created Love from the beginning. Need I say more!!!!!


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