Tuesday, August 28, 2012

You Can End The Debate - Just Participate!

As many voters find themselves numb to the barrage of negative advertisements that presently crowd the airwaves, the election has gained and lost the attention of millions of voters.  Seemingly, it will be hard to excite the voters enough to make them feel the need to “get out and vote” as the battle for the highest seat in the country becomes no more than a backdrop for a struggling economy.

Via an electronic poll made available at http://www.isidewith.com, I found that many of my personal views are still aligned with our current President.  I feel that if he is granted a second term and a new, less-combative Congress, he will begin to create and pass legislation that will allow America to recover. 
As these are only my opinions and I try to remain objective, I have listened to the arguments from both sides of the political fence.  To me, Romney seems to use broad, vague terms that really do not state where he stands on many positions.  He seems to only state clearly that he is anti-Obama, but  he never states what he would change and how it will impact the average American citizen - not just corporations.  In addition, he continually contradicts himself.  This is a stark contrast to President Obama because you can review dozens of videos online which show he has been consistent in his stance on many issues since becoming a Senator in Chicago.  Romney; however, remains flippant, eludes committal to any topic, and echoes whatever sentiment he feels will gain him approval at the moment.
Noticing this, his own political party has made several statements against him.
  • “He’s not telling the American people the truth. I just think he ought to be honest to the American people and try to win as the real Mitt Romney, not try to invent a poll-driven, consultant-guided version that goes around with talking points.”Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, CBS’s “The Early Show just before the Iowa caucuses.
  • “ He is the worst Republican in the country to put up against Barack Obama . . . .He created the blueprint for Obamacare and advocated for exactly what Obamacare is, which is a mandated health insurance program....He is uniquely disqualified." - Former Sen. Rick Santorum, (R-PA) at the Faith and Freedom Coalition rally in Waukesha, WI.
  • “Governor Romney has taken two positions on every issue – at least two – and his record as governor was far left. He told Ted Kennedy when he was in debate with him [for the Senate] that he didn’t want to go back to the Reagan years.” -  Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona during the 2008 Republican presidential primary.
The above quotes came directly from an excerpt in a national newspaper. If interested, read more of that article here. 
I know that I have provided a lot of links and references in this article, but I am constantly amazed at the number of people who know very little about the ongoing political debates.  If you have read one thing that you can align yourself with, taken the poll, or been enlightened in any way, then I suggest you register to vote and let your voice be heard.  America has long been divided by race, money, and political affiliation. This year, you (the voter) have to show up at the polls in order to take a stand.
And remember, you must participate in more than the Presidential election in order to make change.  You must vote for each level of government in order to see a ripple of support that will echo in the halls of Congress.  If not, the next Presidential winner will continue to face opposition based on a “house divided” amongst itself.  But again, these are just my rants as ONE Man’s Opinion… I am sure you have your own.  So, let me know what they are after you take the poll at http://www.isidewith.com.  You may surprise yourself with the results…

1 comment:

  1. If you want to count, vote! If not, you have no room to complain. Our forefathers/mothers gave their lives so that we could have the "right" to vote, a right that was not always afforded us. How dare we not vote because of religious, personal, be any other reason. You pay taxes. Vote. You work, vote. Everything they are talking about affects YOU! Vote!!!!!


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