Monday, March 10, 2014

The Merit of Midnight Meetings

Everyone has done it.  Or, at least, we would like to believe everyone has "done it" just so we can feel better about having "done it" ourselves.  But, the reality of the matter is that there is very little merit in midnight meetings that lead nowhere fast. 

Appearing as the main theme in movies like Basic Instinct, Knocked Up, and a montage of others, the merit of midnight meetings has been scrutinized on many levels.  These movies have been dedicated to finding the value in - and then destroying - the basis of a one-night stand.  Thus proving that there is no merit in "hooking up" just for fun.
Even when two people say that they are fully aware of a "no strings attached" encounter, one person always feels emotionally abandoned immediately thereafter.  Temporary pleasures can lead to self-hatred on so many levels.  Once the "deed" is done, nothing can be done to regain the fleeting feelings of that moment. However, the guilt of having sacrificed your morals and undermining your character causes the onset of completely new feelings which can gnaw at your mental psyche for a prolonged amount of time.
In addition, today's medical dictionary can barely keep up with the new strands of communicable diseases that can be spread through the most intimate of human interactions.  Birth rates steadily increase as the number of unwanted pregnancies and unwanted children continue to create a downward spiral of socio-economic problems that continue to plague our country.    

The next time the phone rings after a certain hour, remind yourself of all the things that "momma used to say".  Then, turn around and look around at your surroundings.  Consider all the things that you have worked hard to achieve.  Is your list of accomplishments worthy of being sacrificed if one moment of passion turns out to be a Russian roulette with unwanted emotional despair, social suicide, disease, or an unwanted pregnancy?

Your body is a treasure and, as such, it should be treated with respect.  The days of chivalry are gone only because a large number of women no longer demand respect.  And, those that do, are greatly outnumbered by thse who do not.  In order to return to a time when courtship meant dating before becoming intimate, women must raise their standards and begin to expect/demand more from their suitors.  Relationships are built on a foundation of communication - not just connectivity

My mother would not allow my sisters to run out the door at the sound of a honking horn.  Instead, a man would park his car, ring your doorbell, meet your parents, and ask to have the pleasure of courting your daughter.  Marriage proposals used to be discussed with the family and a level of expectation was established before uniting families "til death do us part".

Women have to realize that a sexual experience means something completely different to a man.  It is purely physical.  Being "with someone" does not mean that you will be "with that someone".  So, women must hold their sexuality in higher esteem without ever compromising themselves for "just sex".  Also, a woman cannot make a man want her based on sex alone.  A man must feel needed - not just desired - in every aspect of your life.  If sex is the only commonality you have in a relationship, then you are offering nothing more than the next woman who catches your mate's eye. 

Don't be confused.  The old addage,"the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" does not refer to food at all.  As a woman, you must learn to feed/nurture a man's soul in order for him to feel that you are an asset worthy of treasuring.  You must make him hunger for you in ways that go beyond physical satisfaction.  Knowing when to stroke his ego, how to support his efforts, when to compliment his actions, and how to bridge his shortcomings makes compatability possible.  Without being able to do these things, you are offering nothing  more than a physical release to a man's pressures.  When you can offer mental solitude, you have offered yourself as a mate - not just someone to mate with.  In turn, when a man finally encounters the woman he is truly comfortable with, he will do anything to please her - both, in and out of the bedroom.
"The early bird may catch the worm, but the second mouse always gets the cheese."  It is an old saying, but it reminds us all that being too fast may only reap a momentary reward.  Women who wait - and value themselves to be greater than a random sexual encounter - may actually find themselves in a better position to become wives who are cherished rather than ex-girlfriends who are "experienced".  If you really want to be considered a prize, then you will learn to choose wisely - and cautiously - before sleeping with someone whose only mission was to release the day's pressures.
Then again, this is just ONE Man's Opinion... What is yours? 


  1. I really appreciate your thoughts...and you are definitely correct.

  2. Very interesting and I'm glad to get a man's point of view. Alot of us women need to work on being more than the midnight meeting chick. Leah Joi

  3. I truly appreciate the point of view and found a lot of it to be true. There is a moral accountability to yourself and companionship but with the up rise of social media, I think the values have been diminished due to accessibility of sex and broken spirits.

  4. Many of us simply do not "feel" anymore and sex become a need. That is why we loose all sense of self worth. A stoic woman is a man's replica.

  5. This was a great read. I even shared it. The song made me want to cry for women. There is a shortage of men. The ratio of eligible men to women is astounding. If every Black man decided to do the right thing and marry his true love, there would still be 13% that would never wed. That 13% become desperate or affection, attention, and love. They settle! They don’t care about being the other woman, ruining a household, or being a midnight meeting.

  6. A lot of insight and wisdom from you yet again. I miss those deep convos we used to have in atl.. how do you counteract this when you want a relationship more than anything and ppl in the lifestyle dont want it. Or ppl in the life that you are historically attracted to do not or will not committ to one person completely

  7. I understand your opinion and it remains the traditional view of many. Attitudes and views are changing. Morals are changing. Grown people are living life on their terms. Midnight meeting with no strings attached are happening more often than not. Women are not as passive as thought before...ijs

  8. I like the direction that you went with the courtship. In these days of convenience and technological advancement noone wants to take time to get to know they want instant gratification. Look at a person that gets a new cell phone; opens box, takes out phone, takes out charger cord, and sets up phone if it wasn't already set up in the store. Don't even look in the booklet that comes with it just start downloading apps and use it the way they want to use it and not even take the plastic off the book unless the SIM card key to the drawer the SIM and SD card goes in. Courting is like reading that book so you understand better what goes on with the phone, like learning who that person really is and what turns you on about then outside of the physical.


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