Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What Women Shouldn't Do...

Porsche Foxx, known for her quote, "Let your haters be your motivators!" is still a very vibrant part of the Atlanta social community.  Today, on her Facebook page, she asked a rather question that became a "hot topic" right away...

Foxx asks, "What are some things that women should stop doing in public?"   

My response: "Today's woman could put aside a lot of "bad habits" which tend to take away from her natural beauty.  Talking loudly on the phone, cursing in public, and spanking or yelling at children are the first things that will cause me to take pause and envision how poor a mate she must truly be.  In my line of work, I am a very public person and, if a woman has no concern as to what image she projects publicly, then I wonder wonder if she cares enough to know HOW to act in a professional setting."

But, then again, this is just ONE Man's Opinion... What is yours?


  1. Unladylike conduct in public could be a turn off. However, I think that kids should be disciplined WHEREVER. Spank them in public if needed. I am sure that they will prove to be less annoying to other. :-)

  2. I agree with all of that I think a woman should act like a female in public.

  3. The question should be what are some things PEOPLE should stop doing in public. Lately, I feel as though women have been singled out because we do tend to step out of character a bit when conflictual issues arise. Nothing is ever said about the bad habits men reflect in public so I wonder, does society "ok" their belligerent behavior in public because they are male?

  4. I think ladies should pull back a little. I believe, what comes up, shouldn't always come out! I was told, ladies are to be seen and not heard. Well, I believe that to be true, sometimes. We have some very smart and intelligent ladies, so I have no doubt that they will speak up if someone gets out of pocket with them. But then on the other hand, we have some women that's ghetto fabulous, all day long. I love my sisters, but sometimes you just have to wonder, what's really going on.

  5. well I agree with you, the diagram of what a woman is has changed over the years and even through the generations in ways that could be obsene, and in some respects its because of whats been said in songs, so some adapt to that, and even in the way that they dress and carry theselves, and thinks that it cute, but then when unwanted attention is given now the man is out of place, i believe that women have to get back to the place where they begain to know who they are,m and whos they are, and act as such.

  6. All valid points... I hope this conversation will be echoed in homes across the nation as we reclaim our legacy of royalty, familial activity, and communal responsibility. You have each given me "food for thought" and I may repeat some of your sentiments in future blogs. Stay tuned... There is always more to come!

  7. Women do not see the beauty of being a woman

  8. I think a woman should always act as a lady no matter the circumstances. Never let someone or something pull you out of character. Doing so gives it, he,or she too much credit and power.

  9. There are behaviors both men and womem should consider when in public. Some of us somehow have forgotten, weren't taught or just threw away our code of conduct. Loud on the phone is just rude to those who are in earshot. Think about it, if that stare mom use to give us could work now, you wouldn't see much puplic spanking. SN: I hear this all the time, "Women have more pressures now with having to run the house and work." I disagree, the pressures aren't MORE they are just different. Women have always worked and taken care of the house, it's been like that from the very beginning. Ok i did just put a twist on this didn't I...LOL

  10. I think that it is not cute for a woman to portray loudness and brash behavior in public. It's funny when you see men acting calm in public but their female counterparts are causing a show for everyone to see. I find it funny when some women say, "You must think I am crazy" and I think respectfully, "No, you think you are crazy"....Get a filter (smile).


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