Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What Does Your Resume Say When You Aren't Around?

Today's job market is competitive.  That is obvious... Shouldn't your resume be just as obvious?

I was just watching this movie and heard this scene while I was in the next room.  Because I was "fine tuning" a friend's resume just a few days ago, I heard this as if it was an employer looking for qualified applicants.  I know.  It sounds crazy, huh?  But, give me a minute to explain myself...

Today's employers have the luxury of not having to settle for "average" employees anymore.  Now, everyone ranging from high school graduates to double degree-carrying professionals is looking for additional income and, in order to be sure that you stand out from the "average" crowd, your resume has to speak loudly and clearly state your accomplishments for you even when you are not around. It practically has to announce that you are the best candidate for the job so clearly that it leaves no doubt.

When was the last time you "fine-tuned" your resume?

Now is a good time to revisit my own professional listing and update it with my most recent accomplishments.  It's the start of a new year and there may be opportunities ahead that require my attention, my expertise, my know how... I'd encourage you to do the same.  Updating your resume is not a bad thing.  Your employer doesn't think so.  They give you the perfect template: your year end review.  If they can do it; so can you.

But, then again, that's just ONE Man's Opinion... What's yours?

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