Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Is It Ever A Good Idea To "Snoop" In A Relationship?

The beautiful and talented Lilakoi Moon (Lisa Bonet)  posed a very good question on her Facebook page.  It reads, "Do you all believe in what you don't know won't hurt you? Do you believe in going in your lover's cell phone behind their backs? I never understood why people do that. What do you all think?"

My response was:
I am just very cautious about which curiosities I pursue.
I do believe that what you DON'T know will kill you in today's society.   Medical history, family illnesses, pressures of work, and all relationships outside of our own are some things that we need to discuss and understand before we can consider "falling in love".   
Do you have a long-term plan? What are your goals?  My cousin once told me that I take people on an interview, instead of a first date.  I said, in return, "Shouldn't we all?" I have to like you before I can love you.  And, I'd rather know everything up front as opposed to finding things out the wrong time.
If you are in a relationship, it should be one based on honesty. There should be a clear understanding of your past love affairs and an open dialogue which keeps you or your mate from feeling that you have to "snoop". Relationships fail when two people do not have the same expectations. There MUST be a meeting of the minds in order to have long term success.   
Share passwords, emails, text messages and more; just learn to have an open communication and remove any suspicions of doubt.  Personally, I share everything; knowledge of past lovers, names and numbers of current friends. You hide from strangers, not your soul mate. And, in turn, I expect the same honesty.  The worst thing you can do in any relationship is have secrets.

I understand that there are going to be certain nuances about each others lives that we do not speak about freely, but we should never be afraid to approach any subject and expect an honest answer.
But, then again, this is only ONE Man's Opinion...  What is yours?


  1. Relationships are supposed to be based on honesty and trust. If you trust your mate, there will be no reason to 'snoop'. However, I do believe that a woman's intuition is the strongest voice that she will ever have. Usually if we (women) get a feeling about something, it's true. Certainly don't jump on the first opportunity to snoop. Rather ask your mate first to see if there's anything that he's willing to tell you. If that doesn't satisfy your curiosity, then I think it's a good time to snoop.

  2. I agree with being honest in a relationship with your partner. I'm very big on honest and ask the same in return from my partner, if i trust my partner I don't think i should go snooped behind his back. What happen in the dark will come to the light.

  3. All that is true when it comes to a relationship. I look for my mate to be honest with me at all times, but past relationships makes you think twice when it comes to trusting that person completely. I must admit it to be my main problems with them. No matter how open and honest you are with that person, it is never a sure thing that you will get it in return. I let a person know all about me upfront so they will know who I am and what I am about. I love for a man to be upfront with me and let me know the good and bad of them so I can make a decision to be with them or not. I hate getting involved with a person and then found out everything is based on lies.


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