Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Deviant Behavior Begins At Home

I was forwarded a link as a joke yesterday and, sadly enough, I found nothing funny about it.

In the first video link below, a parent is outraged after he reads his daughter's "sexting" messages and he decides to react in a manner that, for the moment, will cause his daughter to rethink her actions.  Sexting, for those unfamiliar with the term, is the sending of inappropriate texts which are sexual in nature.  That could include description of sexual acts, revealing photographs, or highly suggestive language.

I actually applaud the father for having the sense to ban or limit the daughter's access to socializing.  In today's society, we often leave reprimand to the school system, other people and even television.  This father is taking an active role in curtailing his daughter's activity and will, hopefully, reinforce this measure with continued monitoring and limited access to certain friends.

My question to parents is this: "Who teaches sexual responsibility to your children?"

Seriously, consider the fact that most dances today are no more than hip gyrations, bumping, grinding, and all types of sexual simulations.  In kind, every song either demeans a woman or applauds sexual promiscuity.  If you are not telling your child what they can/cannot listen to, where they can/cannot go, what is appropriate behavior, then you are silently condoning the messages of mass media.
In the clip above, the child is horrified to see his comic book heroes carry on like sexual deviants; yet, the mother (or parent in attendance) makes a request for another sexual dance in the presence of minors.  If we continually applaud ignorance, at what point do we find it as unsettling as this child does?

Children are becoming parents at alarming rates and all we are doing is applauding their ability to hinder their own progress.  MTV features teens who are unwed and pregnant.  This under-minds the teachings of any household; yet, we watch and fail to have meaningful conversations with our children that will help them to make better decisions.

Who willingly subscribes to this type of behavior from a child?  Seriously, as my friend from New Orleans would say, "Where they do that at?!"  Yet, this type of behavior is openly applauded and considered the norm while birth rates among young, underprivileged mothers steadily rise.

If you laughed at either of the videos in this link (even for a moment), then I ask that you revisit your position with this social commentary.  Are you a part of the solution or the problem?  Who, in your family, has discussed in detailed, ongoing conversation the delights and downfalls of pre-marital sex?  What about contraception and the consequences of STDs?  If no one has started this dialogue, then no one should start the dances that imply that the child already knows more about such a complex conversation...

But, then again, this is just ONE Man's Opinion... What is yours?


  1. My people my people!

  2. Beautifully well written and put. No one wants to look at themselves and say and say i do that.

  3. Social Networking has really damaged both Parents and Children. We learn from each other and when it hits home, we're the first to place blame elsewhere...kgr

  4. I applaud the dad for checking after his daughter, I do hope he is also talking to her so she doesnt find things out the wrong way. (video 2) The mom hired strippers, probably her friends to dance at her son's party. The sad part is the parents probably enjoyed it. It was disgraceful for a childs party. When will we learn.

  5. I really disliked that 2nd vid. What parent with any good sense would allow this to occur at a party for their young child. And we wonder why our babies are having and making babies and they then become a generation that is lost. Shame Shame on "LaQuita" for allowing this mess.

  6. That doesn't make any sense at all!!!! That video!!!!!!!!

  7. So sad for our youth if this is what they are introduced to by their parents and other influential adults in their lives. I am sure the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree that bared that fruit. I will never be able to look at Batman, Spiderman, Iron Man and the Venom the same again!


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