Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Nation Blinded By Hate

I was looking on Facebook and saw a photograph of President Obama from 2008 as it was posted by ForAmerica.  The caption beneath it read, "Looks like the President has a new dance move! What should he call it?"  If you would like to read the responses, the link is provided here.

Needless to say, I was both shocked and appalled.  The responses were so negative and racially charged that I found myself compelled to respond.  Rather than excite the same ignorance on my site, I simply want to share my response. 

After reading about 100 of the 5,308 negative comments, I wrote the following:
I read these comments and laughed at just how idiotic people are. It amazes me
that so many people are blaming a bad economy on someone who has repeatedly sought measures to offer assistance to all in need. The programs that are continually blocked by Congress are the same programs the new GOP candidates have "dressed up" and re-presented as their own. They simply do not want a Democrat to be the one to correct the debacle that eight years of Bush politics has created. A President is no more than a figure-head; without the support of Congress, he can do nothing.

This man has offered to support American companies, extend employment benefits, offer universal health care, research alternative fuels, end the war, capture/kill US enemies, create jobs, extend the internet to rural areas as a way of expanding wealth and knowledge, and bring our troops home to protect our own borders - yet, he is utterly disrespected! Stop being media drones and research issues on your own... You will see that his ideas are sound and would have easily offered this country a chance at an industrial revolution had there not been so many "good ole boys" in Congress who wanted their "under the table" shenanigans to continue.

You have been fooled into thinking that he has done nothing, but it will take another year before you begin to see the changes take effect that will do away with Bush legislation. It is sad that so many politically uneducated people are so easily deceived. Research the policies of the people who seem to complain the loudest about our 44th President. They stand to lose if we shift the financial burdens of this country toward the rich. If you, personally, are not making $250,000 a year, then you stand to GAIN from the policies he has tried to put in place.

I love America, but I cannot tolerate blind Americans who believe propaganda as truth. I challenge you to do this: Instead of trying to side with someone because they squawk the loudest, ask yourself what policies would benefit you in your situation and then research the actual voting history of your candidate of choice in comparison to your President. As an American who makes less than $250,000 annually, you will be surprised to see what a little investigation on your own will do.

Stop believing what the media (large companies, lobbyists, politicians who do not pay for health care and are guaranteed an income for life) tell you to think. They have an agenda that does not include you - but they need your vote. Think about it. Who should you really be angry at? The one trying to help you or the ones who created the recession and are STILL unaffected by it?
I know that those "haters" will not take the time to research any issues beyond he scope of their television antennas, but I stand firm in my support of our nation's leader.  As a matter of fact, when I went back to the site after writing this blog, they had already deleted my comment.  It is a shame to see a country fueled by hatred and stupidity.  I am not a person who is willing to cast my ballot based on my affiliation with a political party or even because of the color of someone's skin.  I research matters for myself and I determine which candidate aligns themselves best with my expectations.  

But then again, this is just ONE Man's Opinion...  What is yours?


  1. Well stated. I totally agree and pray that the voting population of America proves they are more intelligent than what the media is shaping them up to be. It is amazing how shortsighted people have become. How soon we forget who/what got us in this predicament to begin with. I know one thing, I will not stand for it. President Obama has my vote in 2012. Trust and believe!!

  2. How eloquently you spoke your peace. It should be a peace spoken and researched by all. I have never, in all my voting years, seen such a disregard towards a person in such a position. It still amazes me how it does not matter how much he tries to help those who need it, those who believe in rhetoric keep their nonsense going.

    The saddest part is they just hate him because of the color of his skin and they do not want to submit to his leadership. He has been the classiest, most honorable, and eloquent President we have ever had. The nonsense that he and his family have had to endure, constantly being regarded as less than in the media, always on a witch hunt to make him look bad, is ridiculous.

    To have to come in and straighten out eight years of poo-poo kaw-kaw has been more than many can handle. It is my prayer that God grants him another term to be able to get the credit he deserves for actively doing things to turn our economy around.

    I would really hate to see someone else get the spot and receive the credit for doing nothing, as is the norm for our race. We constantly see ourselves as having to prove that we are twice as smart as most just to be acknowledged.

    I want so much more for him. He deserves more than he receives. God is watching out for him and I'm glad to be a part of his team and do my part to see him in office again!


  3. I truly feel that we are in a new era of yellow journalism. Unlike unapproving days of old when yellow journalism, which is (for those who do not know)unreasearched news that is eye-catching to sell more newspapers or in these days more blog sites, internet space, or television time, this new wave has become an acceptable and quite lucrative industry.

    I believe that most of what we hear today is yellow journalism which has origins back to the late nineteenth century around 1895-1898 when two rival newspapers (The New York World & The New York Journal) accused critics of sensationalizing the news. Today, sensationalizing media stories, whether they be in newspapers or on television is simply called the "Hot Topic" of the day. You can simply call something a hot topic and that gives you the right to partially research your story and give the audience something to sink their teeth into. However, there is also the practice of diversion of thoughts.

    When I think about President Obama, he was put under the microscope from the day he made his official announcement to run for President through tactics of diverting the issues. Everything from his preacher/faith, smoking habits, shirtless pictures, and hair color have been stereotypically put into the light. When all of that died down, they attacked his character. It seems quite familiar and reminiscent of other black leaders during the Civil Rights era. When he is truly given a chance, then the world will be given a chance outright.

  4. Wow well spoken that is all I can say.


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