Friday, February 10, 2012

When Parents Get "Hip" To Their Teens Activities...

As a parent, do you monitor your child's friendships on social networking sites or do you allow them the privacy to do and say as they please?

While we sit and wonder why the world is in such a state of chaos, today's youth go un-monitored in their day-to-day happenings.  Some parents think it is an invasion of their child's privacy to "look over their shoulder" from time to time.

When I was a teenager, children were often seen, but not heard.  With the onset of the internet and advances in modern technology, everyone is able to live one life publicly and live a completely different life in secrecy.  Although a child's access to the internet is necessary to be competitive in today's world, parents must know  where to draw the line.  Is it invasive to read your child's personal posts on Facebook or in their phones?  Personally, I do not think it is a bad idea...  Once upon a time, it was just called good parenting.
The video here shows the reaction of an angry father who found Facebook postings and text messages that were "more than surprising" in their daughter's PRIVATE thoughts. If more parents chose to check in with their children, maybe we could decrease things like unplanned parenthood, deviant behavior, increased school drop-out rates, and drug use...

Another blog post, Deviant Behavior Begins At Home, shows how another father responds to finding his daughter's phone filled with obscene texts.  Now, more than ever, parents need to be ever-present in the lives of their children.  I urge you to do this now or it will be too late to intercede from a hospital bed or through the panes of a jail cell window.

But, then again, this is just ONE Man's Opinion.... What is yours?

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