Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Death of A Diva: The Perfect Storm of Despair

After the death of an icon, many people try to point a finger of blame. 

I have watched Piers Morgan interview countless "friends of Whitney Houston" and repeatedly attempt to attribute her death to Bobby Brown's influence over her life.  Having lived around addicts, I do not believe this to be true at all.  

Chaka Khan, as interviewed by Piers Morgan, stated that she was aware of Whitney's use of drugs and even went so far as to state that "Whitney, Bobby and I were all getting high one day."  But, she also stated that Whitney was an adult and had the freedom to choose what she wanted to do as well as the limitations around such things.

Her most profound statement during her interview simply stated that Whitney Houston was still vulnerable to the extreme exposure of drugs because of their prevalent, un-monitored use by so many people within the music industry.  According to Khan, Houston should have never been allowed to go to any pre-Grammy functions without some type of chaperon.  Her daughter, Bobbi, was too young to control her mother's actions.  In essence, Chaka Khan pointed the finger of blame right back to the music industry and further stated that she was appalled by the very idea of a party going on in the same building where Whitney Houston's lifeless body was surrounded by police tape.

Drugs have a powerful, mind-altering influence. We have seen the effects of drugs and alcohol claim the lives of both the King and Queen of Pop Music as well as countless others.  The only lesson that can be learned from that is the fact that drug addiction (like any other disease) does not discriminate.  Bobby Brown finished his scheduled concert that night, but left the stage in tears and immediately flew to be by his daughter's side.  I am sure he has enough demons to fight without the added scrutiny of his actions during a marriage that ended years ago.

The world will miss Whitney Houston, but rather than overshadow her death with mindless accusations, I just believe we should learn from her example and learn to intervene in the lives that still remain addicted to substances.  We all know someone who we can talk to, encourage, and help to overcome.  Let's focus our energies on them; it is already too late for many others...

But, then again, this is just ONE Man's Opinion... What is yours?


  1. Although your article focuses primarily on drug addiction I can't speak to that because I never had any addictions around me (and I'm sure I am not alone.). However, whether Bobby had any influence over Whitney with her addiction or the industry making drugs readily available I blame the media for their aggressive invasions into the “personal” lives of celebrities for their fall from grace. I know some people would argue they asked for it, you ask for fame and with fame, everything comes with the territory, you no longer have a private life, it belongs to the media.

    People have this belief, you call on the media to help you with getting exposure so you can sell more records but the cost you pay is what the media needs to sell more papers, magazines, obtain more advertisers and satisfy the stockholders, they have to expose your dirt too. Unfortunately, stars choose drugs and/or alcohol to deal with that exposure. When stars have been asked how they were able to come out alright when some of their fellow celebrities went downhill said they stayed out of the limelight. They did their job and went home. Look at all the stars you don’t hear any dirt about, they went home.

    The lesson to be learned here is if you want fame and fortune, do your job and go home.

  2. There are many types of addictions in this world.
    Many people continue addictions because they subconciously want it in their lives. Some feel that they have no other carthartic means of coping in life but to destroy their human vessel. The human mind has corrupted by mixed messages from the media and manmade religion. When people do not know and love themselves and are tolerated not loved by family, it cause trouble. Ms. Houston wanted to be high. Ms. Houston accepted the consequences of poisoning herself. Ms. Houston did not love herself. How can you claim to love the LORD if you do not love yourself.


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