Friday, May 18, 2012

Romney's "Day One" Ad Creates Great Concern

The first Presidential advertisement from the Romney camp is less than one minute long; however, it raises a great deal of concern for anyone who has followed the three topics so proudly brought to the forefront in his political agenda.  Take a look, then read more.

The campaign ad, named "Day One", clearly outlines the fact that Romney would aggressively move forward to reverse three major "mistakes" made during the Obama Presidency.  But, upon closer observation, it just appears that Romney is speaking "out of both sides of his neck" attempting to please anyone who isn't keen enough to actually investigate his statements.

If the link is removed by Romney's campaign after they review the footage and reconsider the advertisement, you may still access the link by clicking here.

The first controversial change that Romney's ad promises to offer is the approval of the Keystone Pipeline.  The ad then goes on to imply that this will create "thousands of jobs that Obama blocked".  Truthfully, advisers on both sides of the political debate have already looked into this argument and both sides agree that the proposed 20,000 jobs that would be created by this project would be largely short-term, low paying jobs and the bulk of the funding for this project will benefit Canadian companies more than American job-seekers.  In the end, when the pipeline is complete, corporations would be positively impacted, but there is minimal speculation that this would create any economic boost to our economy or immediately lower our nation's dependency on foreign oil.  President Obama has rejected the current plan for these reasons and is diligently redrawing plans that will benefit more  Americans  and create a residual influx of economic growth for states impacted by his alternate pipeline route.

The second point that Romney's ad brings to light is his "rewarding job creators with tax cuts and reforms."  This whole idea, no matter how nicely it is reworded, is the very thing that thousands across this country have already protested against during the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations.  In essence, Romney's ad is solidifying his allegiance with corporations and reassuring them that he will lower taxes in their favor.  The ad says nothing about lowering taxes for the lower or middle class, but it does indicate that it will offer rewards to the same people who have yet to realize that this country was experiencing a decade-long recession.

The final point is Romney's willingness to repeal Obamacare in exchange for his own health care plan.  If you watched the Republican debates, you already know that there were minimal differences between Romneycare and Obamacare.  In fact, the differences were so minimal that the other Republican candidates often stated that they were identical.  So, in saying he would repeal one in lieu of another is simply a way of gaining the support of those who have no idea about either plan. The plans are identical, yet Romney himself voted against Obama's plan just to keep our current President from being able to have a win in Congress.

Not being cynical, I wondered if I was alone in my observations about this thirty-six-second lie.  I stumbled across a parody of the same "One Day" advertisement that seemingly did a much better job of capturing Romney's true words.  This American Bridge 21st Century link will provide both insight and humor.

Either way, I know I will be at the polls this November.  I hope you will be, too!  But, then again, this is just ONE Man's Opinion....  Feel free to share yours...


  1. Romney cant be trusted... We know the President still has the Senate and Congress to deal with.. Does he think the public is stupid???

  2. Democrats and Republicans rely on America's stupidity, fickleness, and utter retardation. Many, like myself, have been socialized not to think critically, not to listen critically, and not to do basic research. Unfortunately, there are those who think of themselves in 60 second to 60 minute blurbs. Most, if not, all of our politicians have benefited in some way from the deceit and deception of the United States citizenry. Telling the truth in U.S. politics benefits no one.


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