Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How Often Do You Re-Evaluate Your Path?

From a more professional stance, I wrote a blog called, "How Often Do you Re-Evaluate Your Plan?".  This blog deals with the idea of growing a business through constant re-evaluation,
renovation and learning to adapt to changes in the economic environment in order to be successful.

Life is no different.  In order to maintain a positive stride in life and become progressively successful, you must set goals, chart a path toward accomplishing them, and repeatedly "check yourself" to ensure that you reach milestones within a set time frame.  Failure to do so will make you a stagnant under-achiever and life's rewards will continually pass you by.

Think about it.  Your employer offers you an annual review of your performance.  n doing so, they cite your strengths and weaknesses and reward you for positive, consistent behaviors.  A wise man would take this simple principle and apply it to life itself.  Instead of waiting for someone else to tell you what is good, bad, and in need of improvement, pick a date on the calendar and evaluate yourself on a monthly, semi-annual or annual basis.  Ask yourself simple questions and provide simple, realistic answers.

Where do you see yourself in one year?  In three years?  What steps are you taking to ensure that you reach your goals?  If you were to suffer a disability, how long would you (or your family) survive on your savings?  What training (educational level) do you need to achieve n the next year in order to be more marketable or worthy of a promotion?

Realistically, the list could go on and on.  But the sincerity of the questions should be enough to propel you forward.  Remember, failure to plan is really a plan for failure.  Instead of looking at the television and wishing that you could be one of the reality stars or rappers that dominate the airwaves., take the same amount of time and look into the mirror and discover what you can become.  The only limitations in life are those that you allow to cripple your thoughts.  There is nothing more "special" about anyone on television than you - they simply stopped believing in others more than they believed in themselves.

Now, it's your turn to do the same...

But, alas, this is but ONE Man's Opinion... What is yours?

1 comment:

  1. You have to first know how to start and maintain a business and operate in excellence before you can begin any evaluation. Many businesses fail because of poor market research and poor business planning. What needs to addressed is how to setup shop recycle revenue to support overhead expenses and live within one's means. If Africans in America would pay attention to these issues then we will be force to be reckoned with.


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