Friday, March 9, 2012

When The Queen Is Ready, Her King Will Appear

I recently wrote a blog entitled Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Wife that applauded Steve Harvey's recent accomplishment on having written a book-turned-movie, but I also disagreed with the premise of his arguments.  I do not believe that women should ever "act like a man" because women play a role in society that is paramount in the survival of the family unit and society as a whole.  By suggesting that women take on male characteristics, even jokingly, is to also suggest that men become displaced in society.  In doing so, marriages and relationships would no longer be stable, and the theoretical "scales of balance" would forever be unjust.

In this blog, I would like you to get a clearer picture of what I was referring to when I said we needed to get back to more "traditional relationships".  With the added assistance of a beautiful, well-spoken author whom I admire, I invite you to look at this issue again and share your thoughts on the state of intimacy today.

Shanel Cooper-Sykes is a dynamic speaker.  Her website is dedicated to helping women find and create a better image of themselves.  Her eye-opening book, Stilettos In The Kitchen, further explores the beauty of being a real woman and suggestively lays a solid foundation for "getting your "ish" together" (or GYIT as she says) so that you can begin to attract the mate you desire into your life.

Although she speaks from the perspective of a woman in today's world, many of her lessons teach  transferable traits that should be embraced by all people.  Cooper-Sykes has created a series of instructional chats that allow her followers to experience her personality first-hand.  She is very methodical and logical in her approach to life and she accurately charts a path to success that can be applied to relationships, business, and life in general.

In relationships, we commonly find what we are looking for.  Honestly, women who say that all men are dogs, must truly exhibit the traits of a bitch. If you go into a relationship looking for dishonesty, snooping for lies, and accusing your mate of cheating, then you become the catalyst for these these to occur.  If you go into a relationship expecting to be coddled and treasured, but you bring nothing to the "table" to offer in exchange, then you commonly end up being "traded in" for a better model further down the road.  Cooper-Sykes offers inspiring lectures that teach women to become valuable in ways that do not challenge their male counterparts and, at the same time, creates an allure and certainty about a woman that breeds a greater self-esteem and worth.

No ladies, it is not ever necessary to ever "think like a man" if you are wise enough to make sure that the man's always thinking of you first.  The laws of attraction are based on the simple premise that you must, first, realize where your strength comes from and then, focus on those things that you want to bring into your life.  Cooper-Sykes ends many of her friendly chats with the idea that "when the queen is ready, her king will appear."

Beautifully poised, Cooper-Sykes ushers in a traditional way of thinking that has been misplaced in today's society.  But, she assures her listeners and readers that these simple steps will lead them to ultimate success - be it in love, life, or relationships.

Personally, I find myself hanging on her every word... But, then again, that is just ONE Man's Opinion... What is yours?

1 comment:

  1. Love Shanel's perspective on traditional relationships!!! Watched her videos and definitely agree with her on women who want men to have what they don't have themselves. You can't come to the "table" empty handed - you have to bring something to the relationship to get something out of it. Help me understand...! Why is it that so many women have the perception that all men are no good? There are a number of women in the world that have no-good intentions when it comes to men, but are the first to call the kettle "Black". I just dont understand....!


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