Monday, November 30, 2015

Victory Is Yours!

Victory Is Yours
Sean C. Robinson, October 2015

I hope that whatever was troubling you yesterday has passed -
Just remember that bad things are finite; they don't always last.
But, it is during these times that we find our true inner strengths
By pushing beyond our boundaries and going to greater lengths.
We re-build, we re-define, we re-state, then move forward.
And, when this trial is done, it's our character that is rewarded.
So, although it may seem as if troubles were meant for destruction
Be consoled in the fact that you’ve undergone a personal re-construction.
The world now sees you standing on a much more solid foundation,
Your character has been defined by overcoming this harsh tribulation.
So, as you hold your head high and walk with newfound pride
Realize that yesterday is gone - and you still have your stride.
You are surrounded by many who can offer strength and kind words
But it is you who has triumphed and now your voice can be heard.
It is by facing a new day with a bright smile and great cheer
That you show the world you’ve conquered sorrows and claimed victory over fear!
Oddly enough, I wrote this poem for a co-worker when it appeared that she was dealing with a lot of external issues.  We'd never discussed what was bothering her; I just saw the look of worry and frustration on her face as she walked by me one day....   I just wanted her to know that someone cared.  
Today, as I was going through my emails, I saw this and actually used the words to ease my own tensions.   Sometimes, we have to take the advice we so willfully give others....
But, as, this is just ONE Man's Opinion... What is yours?

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