Friday, September 30, 2011

He Can't Do Anything Right!

I wake up each morning and watch the news as I get dressed and prepared to go into my day.  This morning, I was shocked to hear the news of the killing of a "lone wolf terrorist", Al-Awlaki, by drones that successfully tracked and destroyed his two-truck convoy in Yemen.  Before I could react with a sigh of relief, a reporter came on who questioned the killing of this former-American citizen who was due his day in court.

Ron Paul, a politician who seemed infuriated by the actions of our military, called into question the constitutional violations of this American traitor.  He went on to say that he would like the President to be responsible for the "rewriting of American laws" as it should have been easy to capture this terrorist and bring them to justice.  Although Ron Paul's views on foreign policy has been questioned and he insists on calling other GOP candidates racist, he has become a candidate for the 2012 Presidential election.

The wave of support that Ron Paul will garner will only serve as "fuel for the fire" as many more find reasons to voice their public disapproval of President Obama in the upcoming 2012 election.  Shaking my head, I wondered how we could take such a proud moment for our military forces and turn it into cause for debate or use it as a wedge to drive a meaningless point of division between two parties.  I just hope this election year passes quickly and the attacks on our country (from within) come to an end so that we can finally focus on the real war that is being fought...

This is just ONE Man's Opinion... What is yours?

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