Thursday, September 29, 2011

Why Spend More On War Than US Citizens?

We have spent over $806 billion dollars on the 10 year war in Iraq, yet the government says we have no money left to fund social security, health care, or education here in the United States. Why?

The problem is we (as citizens) need to derail the political agenda of those who only seek to increase the divide. Our current president is becoming frustrated in an America that is being willfully decieved. I pray he has time to salvage hi...s ideas and put America on track. He is being fought on every side - not because his ideas are bad, but because they do not offer profit to the people already inplace!

The monorail system that he proposed to go from Orlando, FL to Atlanta, GA would have created millions in revenue and put thousands of people back to work in two states that have a 9% unemploment rate. It would have also brought major businesses to lesser known areas along the monorail system and boosted the economic strength of an eastern corridor that needs assistance. Why was it rejected? Republicans can't allow a Democrat to fix an problem they created with such ease. These two red states said NO to an issue that their own Governors knew would employ millions because it would make it harder to defeat this president in the NEXT election...

The health care plan allows for parents to keep their college-bound students on their insurance until they are 26. The largest number of uninsured Americans who drive up the cost of premiums are between the ages of 18 and 26. They are college-bound and unemployed risk takers. Implementing a plan like that would eradicate health care as costs are driven DOWN because of the smaller number of uninsured claims. Small businesses could offer health care to employees at a reduced cost and be reimbursed as well. So, why vote against it? Republicans can't allow a Democrat to fix an problem they created with such ease. It would make it harder to defeat this president in the NEXT election...

Bringing the troops home would make our borders safer from illegal immigration as well as make other countries more responsible for their self-hating war - not to mention an $800B savings, so why vote against it? Republicans can't allow a Democrat to fix an problem they created with such ease. It would make it harder to defeat this president in the NEXT election...

Are you starting to see a pattern? Obama has done nothing wrong. He is thinking of a future where we are a stronger, more self-reliant nation. Some people are afraid to lose control, so they strike fear in the hearts of an unsuspecting public - and they use prejudices and stupidity as their tools of influence.

Obama chose his steps wisely and he didn't run into the ring trying to rewrite every policy at once in the most obvious manner. His politics offered a "back door" approach that cannot be easily seen. As you see above, in none of the up-front plans is there a mentioning of the underlying effect. Only a person who is looking beneath the surface would see this and that is the type of reactionary or cascading change he is trying to implement. If everything he suggested was implemented successfully, there would be no war, no high unemployment, we'd have mass transit, a second industrial revolution, and alternative fuels...

If he had gone in and said too many things up-front, he would have been considered cocky and arrogant. He tried to find allies and put his agenda to work in a roundabout way that would still have the same impact. I applaud him for his tactics in the first term. I believe that, if he is fortunate enough to win a second term, we will all see a very different and much more aggressive Obama... I just pray he will beef up his security...

But, this is just ONE Man's Opinion... What is yours?

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