Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Beijing Restaurant Founded On American Racism

Never in the history of these United States has a President been so ridiculed and scrutinized.  It seems that no proposed "change we can believe in" can ease its way through both the House and the Senate.  

Although, congress was elected to represent the voice of the people, it appears that personal bickering has trumped the purpose of voting on matters that will help America (as a whole) to rebound from a recession.  The constant filibustering and public arguments has created a wave of negativity that has crossed the globe.

I stumbled across an article that caused me to shake my head and wonder how the world views America now.  We were once a land to be marveled; but now, we appear as divided a country as we were in the  pre-Civil war era. We, as Americans, have done such a great job of trying to publicly correct and humiliate our own President, that we have opened the doors of ridicule to the entire world.  

When I ran across this article, I was appalled by the imagery and blatant racism, but still, I could point the finger of blame back to our own Congress.

But, then again, this is just ONE Man's Opinion...  What is yours?


  1. Is this really very surprising? Wasn't it the Chinese who also made a commercial mocking Obama giving a speech, as a monkey giving a speech, early on? Ironic, in my opinion, that they, would try to mock the appearance anyone else. What would be highly pathetic, would be if any person of color would actually patronize these businesses. KFC ought to sue the hell out of them!

  2. mock the appearance OF anyone else.

    I meant to type...


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