Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Getting In On "The Deal's Deal"

The harvest season is here and, along with it, many of the nation's farmers have found themselves a little light on labor.  Because of the new immigration laws and their effect on the willingness of illegal immigrants to come forth for "honest work", we may see an increase in our grocery tab because fewer products will make it to the shelf.

This is a situation that we, as Americans, have gotten ourselves into.  It is not breaking news that farmers and construction companies across the nation have spent millions on "cheap labor".  They were aware that they were crippling the American economy by cutting corners and saving costs as opposed to hiring American citizens at minimum wage.  Now, because we have decided to deal with an ongoing issue, we will see the immediate effects of our own greed.

Georgia's governor, Nathan Deal, has proposed that parolees fill the void.  This is a great way to have people who need a job to also do something that will help to keep the rising cost of food down.  Although the idea has not "gone over well" with many voters in the area, it is a way that we can begin to resolve our own issues and lower the high rate of unemployment here as well.

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