Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Are You Here To Help Or Hinder?

Long ago, I noticed that people come into your life for either a reason, a season, or a lifetime.  I tried to relay this information to a friend through writing; however, the message seem muddled by the use of words.  So, to make things much easier to digest, I simply stated, “people are either one of three things: to help, to hinder, or to serve as a cause for hesitation.”  This, she seemed to get…

The most obvious people to be identified are those who have come into your life to help you.  They are teachers in some way because you may learn from them in many different ways.  Some lead by example while others coddle and hand-hold you through a situation.  Either way, you are rewarded for their kinship because you become a better person for simply having known them.
Another group of people who are easy to identify are those who have come to hinder or harm you.  They may have hidden agendas or operate openly with no regard for your well-being.  Not every person willingly hinders your growth, but it is important to be wise enough that you can identify whether a person’s actions are self-serving and done with no reflection on how negatively received actions will weaken a friendship.   In many cases, we consider these people as needy, selfish, or “dramatic”.  Although they may provide great entertainment value in some forums, these same people can be considered draining or even toxic to some relationships.

The third group of people are not as easily identified.  They carry traits that would deem them as helpers but, after a period of time, their actions become transparent and you may realize that they are somehow detached from you – yet, they remain within your circle of influence.  These people are neither good nor bad for your growth, but they will cause you to become more introspective in your thought processes.  Commonly, these people want nothing from you and, in turn, they ask for nothing.  They only share a few common interests and they only interact with you as necessary.   In short, they simply mind their own business.
Because they are not “as involved” as others who may ingrain themselves in your life, this final group of people can remain objective and  offer unbiased advice to given situations.    These relationships become very symbiotic; you may find yourself looking to these friends as advisors and mentors or vice-versa.  The only negative thing that may stem from these relationships is their feeling of entitlement because they have offered sound advice or you may harbor an underwhelming feeling of guilt when you choose not to adhere to the advice offered.  In the end, these people will still serve as consistent anchors to your "truth" and keep your decision grounded to your own moral fibers.
As we enter the burgeoning knowledge of the Age of Aquarius, it is our mission to be more receptive to our own surroundings.  We must use our "third eye" and see others for who they are.  In kind, we must learn to apply the knowledge we have gained through our experiences in order to continually excel toward our goals.  Knowing who is in your circle is important, but knowing how and when to leverage them is even more vital.  Be it at work, within your family, or in a social setting, learn to enter situations with an end goal in mind.  Then, partner yourself with those people who will help you to achieve your goals. 

It’s a new year and it may not entail that you become a new you… Just a better you for having known how to grow from your experiences and the experiences of others.   But then again, this is simply ONE Man’s Opinion… I am sure you have your own…  

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