Friday, May 16, 2014

Donald Sterling: Black, White, And Green

The only color that matters in professional sports is GREEN
Reports today indicate that soon-to-be-ousted NBA owner, Donald Sterling, is now refusing to pay the $2.5M fine imposed on him for his racist rant. Please do not be distracted by the minutia, people.  This is a ploy for more time so that he will – eventually – lose nothing by stepping down as the team’s owner.  Just two days ago, while on Anderson Cooper 360, Donald Sterling stated that the fine was a fair assessment.  Now, this refusal to pay is obviously an attempt to stall for time and allow all of his assets to be moved into his wife’s name.  This is a classic case of not seeing the forest for the trees.
Haven’t you been watching?
His wife, Shelly, has suddenly come out and filed for divorce. Because they live in California, she stands to gain 50% of all of his current assets.  Finalizing the divorce before he settles with the NBA means that she will legally own (and protect) 50% of all of his assets – to include the Clippers. This same woman has had knowledge of his open affairs with other women for years.  She has also known of his prejudiced rants.  And, most recently, she has attempted to delay proceedings by stating that he suddenly suffers from dementia.  Until the “leak”, they sat side by side at every game – but now, she suddenly realizes that he might have a problem?!  I guess people will say whatever they deem necessary when their lavish lifestyles are threatened.
Now, in a last ditch effort to maintain their multi-million dollar lifestyle, they must hurriedly file for a divorce.   As of May 16, 2014, Forbes reported that Donald Sterling is worth $1.9B.  The imposed fine of $2.5M is comparable to a child asking for lunch money from his parents.  It is not enough to sneeze at - so why would Sterling suddenly be opposed to paying it?  It is not enough to stop the proceedings against him.  However, the NBA will drag its feet and allow him to filibuster long enough to settle this divorce first.
Why?  Because they are all friends!
The actions of the NBA are calculated.  Haven’t they all known about Sterling’s affairs and rants for years?!  His behavior is nothing new; however, they have to respond publically.  They will make a politically correct gesture because he has called into question many practices of the “elite”.  However, we must all realize that they are NOT going to let “one of their own” suffer.  Can you imagine the backlash if Sterling was to suddenly come forward and openly discuss other conversations he has had with other owners?  Even worse, what if he confirmed that his statements parallel the thoughts and practices of the NBA? 

In a statement made while being interviewed, Sterling clearly stated that “we take care of our own” as he referred to his culture and community.  He was brazen – and confident – enough to offer an interview without a lawyer because he already knew that this matter would be swept under the rug.  Sure, there would be some small repercussion, but he knows his lifestyle will not be affected.  He is too well connected to even be concerned. 
Watch how quickly this is brushed out of the public eye as soon as the divorce is settled.  Sherry Sterling will still be an owner of the Clippers.  Her income will still support her estranged, demented husband.  Donald Sterling will become a little more selective about who he dates publically.  And the NBA will still continue to offer pennies to the professional “herd” of millionaires that make a select few become billionaires.
But, in the end, at least we all had a hearty laugh.  We got a glimpse at the lifestyle of a few rich and infamous people.  We allowed the media to form our opinions and lead us down a road that would allow us to believe that justice has been served.  But, I am a realist.  Nothing changes – it just gets shuffled around.  The players may change, but the game will remain the same. 
Even I work at a job where I have a 401K and stock options.  Why don’t players own a percentage of the team or get a percentage of the millions that each team generates in ticket sales, paraphernalia, endorsements and more?  Why aren’t charities formed from a portion of the proceeds that will benefit the sponsoring cities homeless/impoverished populations?  Why are a few people allowed to become billionaires off of the efforts of so many?  Why isn’t anyone asking why?
I am amazed at how easily this country is pacified...  Again, I digress.  These are just the rants and observations of ONE Man’s Opinion… What say you?


  1. Interesting perspective!!! Sounds like a "Scandal" episode. I do believe that the Sterlings are and will continue to be, "well taken care of." It is VERY unfair how a select few are bred to make such jaw-dropping amounts more than others and in this case, off of the backs of the ones [they] discpise. It is all about the "green" - any other color is inferior. I believe whatever the outcome, Sterling will get a plethora of greenbacks.

  2. Is One Man criticizing the pillar of this country’s economy: Capitalism? In a capitalist society where the idea of “laissez faire “prevails, people are not to emphasize on collective profit.People are not to care of your color, your backgroung and your character. Green is Green
    I would answer your questions with another question. Should the riches be penalized for being rich? Furthermore, should they be punished for being racist?
    On another note, the article was great and I enjoy every bit of it. I would love to hear your answers to my questions.

    1. C'est la vie... I enjoy your international perspective; however, my opinion transcends race and delves into the international language of "love of money". No, I am not suggesting that the rich be penalized for being rich, nor am I even dealing with the racist rant that began this man's slow demise from the public sector. I was only pointing out that the public should not so easily be mislead. The issue quickly went from being black and white to being all about the green.

      Now, it appears that the NBA has to make an "example" out of Sterling; yet, they also want to appear helpless to move forward. Rather than moving quickly, they have opted to allow the owners to decide their actions. Then, to prolong matters even more, there will be lawsuits and more. In the meantime, Sterling will continue to profit from the same people he ridiculed. In the end, he will have had enough time to move his money around, rename appropriations, and even divorce his wife in order to maintain his ownership of the team. We are seeing this unfold before our eyes, yet we are focused on the "rants" and whoever TMZ chooses to promote this week.

      Had that been a player who made the same remarks, his career would have ended that day. No additional checks, no time to re-arrange fund allocations, no wife fighting for 50% of what she "signed on" for... Nothing.

      I just see things for what they are... Not as I wish they were. Sometimes, you have to be brave enough to pull back the curtains and realize that the great and powerful Oz is just a lot of smoke and hot air... I, for one, am not falling for it.


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