Friday, October 26, 2012

Learning To Stay In Your Lane...

When you go out to a bar, the bartender has the option of "cutting you off" when it appears that you have had enough.  When you speed down a street, policemen can stop you and give you a ticket when you have reached or surpassed a legal limit.  But, when you are falling in love, there are few others who can stop you from making fatal mistakes that could lead to despair and depression.  Therefore, you must be a steward of your own emotions and safeguard your heart at all times.  Knowing when to end a potentially bad situation is completely up to you.

Not every relationship is meant to be long-term.  Sometimes, you have to learn to grasp what you can from a situation and move on with your head raised.  Some relationships (be they personal or intimate) are only meant to build your character, to exploit your strengths/weaknesses, or even allow you to be an example to others.  Knowing when to sever the ties that bind can be a tricky proposition, but you must remember this: You are the only person who can determine how long you endure a conflict, a heartache, or a headache.  Love freely - but choose the holders of your heart wisely

Staying In My Lane
by Sean. C. Robinson, August 2012

Realizing that I am “out of my league” doesn’t defame me.
In this instance; it means that I entertain you, and you simply delight in me.
We’ve come from different worlds, we’ve led completely different lives
And, I can only imagine the context of things you’ve seen through your own eyes.

Sometimes, these differences can attract or even repel
As we uncoil our life’s mysteries through the stories we both tell.
But, someplace betwixt chapters nine and twenty-two
I have become lost in the shuffle; dismayed and unglued.

And, like a wide -eyed child left alone in a candy store
I’ve grown sick from fascination – yet, I seem to want more.
But, from within, the responsible adult that I know I can be
Stands and waves a flag of surrender, still insisting that I flee.

This is more than I can handle, this is so much more than I choose;
There have been too many nuances in this game – I realize I could lose.
So, instead of being trampled on a field filled with broken dreams
I opt out, retire to the sidelines, and I willfully concede.

Sometimes,  our greatest heartache builds the greatest portion of our character.  You learn the true emotional limitations by becoming vulnerable.  And, with each failed relationship you must learn to assess the victories and overcome the pitfalls.  This will help you to ease your pains of transitioning from love to understanding.  Remember, you may have gone through this experience just to prepare you for the greatness that lies ahead.

In the end, you will become a better person for the true relationship which lies further ahead... Remain optimistic.  Your true love may be just a little farther down the road and much more in  line with "your lane" of understanding.

But again, this is just ONE Man's Opinion... What is yours?


  1. I have been missing this man's opinion. What a pleasure to wake up to such an insightful piece. I read growth, not pain. It changed things. That is awesome!

  2. I agree soemtime people are there for just a season and when there season is up then its up. You have to move on and take what you learn to the next level. I have learn alot in every relationship, and I believe it will prepare me for the love of my life


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