Saturday, July 9, 2016

Women Don't See What Men Actually Want

I am fortunate enough to work in an office filled with beautiful women.  They hail from the coasts of Africa, Haiti, the Bahamas and almost every major city within these United States.  Every day is an international parade of beauty - but, their beauty is so much more than what meets the eye.

When I was a child, my older brother told me to always acknowledge any change in a woman's appearance, any enhancement to her profile, and every smell and color that will bring blush to her cheeks.  According to Larry, "Women take the extra time each day to do something worthy of your attention.  If you fail to notice, you have done yourself a disservice."

My brother passed away in 2006, but he lives on in the words and actions with which I choose to interact with others each day.

Today, I am a firm believer that every woman is beautiful.  Women hold the cradle of life in their stride and each one has the ability to control the palpitations of any man's heart with a simple glance in their direction.  They are mystical, magical, and yet, mysterious; intriguing in every way.   You see, no two are alike and therefore; women are to be treasured for their differences rather than measured by their similarities

In saying that, I had to encourage a co-worker one day because she insisted that she was gaining weight.  I told her she was beautiful just as she was. She turned to me and said, "I don't believe you.  You say that to every woman."  I agreed with her and then, I expounded.

"Every woman has a value that differs from the next. A "good man" isn't looking for the woman with the perfect shape, the perfect hair, and the perfect libido.  Although each or all of these things could be an asset, they are not the qualities that a real man uses when he is searching for a "good woman" to call his own.  A truly "good man" wants to know that you can engage his mind and challenge him to want to achieve more.  In essence, you have to be able to arouse his intellect as well as his loins..."

You see, a good man is looking for a mate that knows when to push and when to be a support.   She must be both an anchor that grounds him and the rudder that guides him.  This quality cannot be measured in calories or by the inches that surround your waist, but rather in the authenticity of your words and the genuine nature of your actions.

Your actions - more than your external beauty - determine your worth.  Your appearance is external, but a man looks for a "good woman" who possesses internal qualities on which he can depend.  It is more important to a "good man" if you know how to stroke his ego more so than provide a good romp on the sack.  You have to know when to yield and when to submit.  You also must know when to lead without diminishing his strengths or character.  A perfect mare does more than "look good" on a man's arm.  She is not an accessory; she completes him in every way  

Do we look at the physique as well?  Of course. 

If you aren't taking care of your self, then it is unlikely that you can support a healthy relationship.  However, we don't always look for a perfect size - just perfect confidence.  Can you "shake what your momma gave you" and do so with so much swag that it makes me want to get to know what motivates you?  Sometimes confidence is the most attractive feature any woman could ever possess.  If you only concern yourself with the physical aspects of your appearance, so will the man you attract.  If you want a complete package,  you must present yourself as one as well.

Just like you want a strong warrior at your side;men want a complimentary mate.  Each 'ying' requires a 'yang'.  So, rather than pile on make-up, sew in yards of hair, and diet until we can see the original rib that was taken from Adam, women should realize that some men would rather engage your mind and fall in love with the intellect that makes you unique.  Some look for those qualities that cannot be purchased on a shelf or  contoured in the gym.  Some seek the perfect woman - not always the perfect frame.

My coworker smiled at me and said, "Thank you."  Although she still laughed and said she felt fat, she didn't project the same illusion of rejection in her words.  This time, she smiled and said, "Well, in that case, I believe you... I am beautiful... But, I am still going to the gym after work!"  To which I replied, "That's fine - just know that I already see something beautiful... You are just putting it in a different frame."

But, alas, this is just ONE Man's Opinion... What is yours?

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