Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Right Where You Are Is Right Where You Should Be

Anyone who knows me knows that my mother is my best friend.

There no secrets between us and we talk about every topic from A to Z with such honesty that I often adopt her perception as my own.  It is through my conversations with her that I am able to analyze situations and come to conclusions that guide me through this journey called life.  She is the rudder that guides my vessel and keeps me anchored in truth.

In my most recent conversation with her, we stumbled across a realization that we are both RIGHT where we are supposed to be in life.  In saying that, I challenge you to think of the position that you hold in the lives of those around you.  You, in your own unique way, are a rudder that guides others toward a decision.  Whether you are a positive or negative influence, a help or a hindrance; you exist for a reason and you are RIGHT where you are supposed to be.

Even if you are the person who starts all the commotion, you are showing others how NOT to act in public.  If you are the one who always bears the brunt of each hardship; you are right where you are supposed to be because your strength and ability to endure may serve as motivation for another. You see, others need your strength (or lack thereof) in order to make the decisions that are right for them. You will feel no better or worse for "just being yourself", but someone else may form lifelong decisions based on the experiences that they live vicariously through you.

So - even if you do not want to be - you are a role model.  Your battle is meant for others to see so that they will strive to be just as great as you are under pressure.  Keep your head up and move forward with the same graceful pride that has brought you this far.  I encourage you because YOU ARE ENCOURAGING SO MANY OTHERSDon't believe me?  Just look around....

I wrote this blog because someone out there needed some reassurance.  Or, maybe this piece was just for me.  Either way, it is just ONE Man's Opinion...  What is yours? 

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