Tuesday, August 28, 2012

You Can End The Debate - Just Participate!

As many voters find themselves numb to the barrage of negative advertisements that presently crowd the airwaves, the election has gained and lost the attention of millions of voters.  Seemingly, it will be hard to excite the voters enough to make them feel the need to “get out and vote” as the battle for the highest seat in the country becomes no more than a backdrop for a struggling economy.

Via an electronic poll made available at http://www.isidewith.com, I found that many of my personal views are still aligned with our current President.  I feel that if he is granted a second term and a new, less-combative Congress, he will begin to create and pass legislation that will allow America to recover. 
As these are only my opinions and I try to remain objective, I have listened to the arguments from both sides of the political fence.  To me, Romney seems to use broad, vague terms that really do not state where he stands on many positions.  He seems to only state clearly that he is anti-Obama, but  he never states what he would change and how it will impact the average American citizen - not just corporations.  In addition, he continually contradicts himself.  This is a stark contrast to President Obama because you can review dozens of videos online which show he has been consistent in his stance on many issues since becoming a Senator in Chicago.  Romney; however, remains flippant, eludes committal to any topic, and echoes whatever sentiment he feels will gain him approval at the moment.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Terminal Bachelor: Open Mind, Closed Heart

Although my path in life has led me to believe that there is a peaceful resolve in the number "ONE", a dear friend wrote me and asked my personal advice on how I perceived her failing relationship and her inability to find a companion worthy of her love.  Although I was flattered that she would lean to my understanding, I had to think carefully about how I would respond.  You see, I have resigned myself to the idea that I will forever be a "terminal bachelor".  I have decided that relationships are not for everyone and some people - like myself - are better off single.

Nevertheless, I wondered how my words could help in a situation that I have eluded for almost a decade.  Still, I found the wherewithal to render the following answer:
"Don't blame yourself...  Don't give up on love...

Sadly, most men do not mature until they reach their thirties. Even then, their level of maturity is determined by their experiences; the things that they have been exposed to, their accepted reactions, and the limitations set upon them by their conditions. If they have been coddled through life and allowed to shirk responsibilities, then they will mature at an even slower pace.

Manhood is not determined by how many children you can father, how many women you can abuse, or the size of your physical extensions. But rather, manhood is the mental capacity to accept responsibilities, financially support those decisions on your own, raise and protect a family, serve as a leader by example and, most importantly, being able to humble yourself before God.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Love's Triangle: "Don't Do Me That Way..."

Being pulled into a “love triangle” is never a likeable situation.  The probability of all three (or more) people involved becoming bitter is high.  And, in many instances, these three-way affairs often result in broken hearts and misdirected anger.  There can truly be no winner in this game of hearts because the core values of a stable relationship are often squandered while the emotional integrity needed to maintain longevity and trust is trampled.

To me, a relationship must start and end on the same note. If two people come together and discuss the fact that they have the same expectancies, they should both be clear as to what they can (and will) bring to the table. Learning to love someone is full of ups and downs, but these obstacles can be dealt with successfully if honesty is used as the platform for building a lifetime together.