Monday, July 16, 2012

When Actions Are Worth More Than Cash

Sometimes, actions speak louder than financial allegiances.  This year, America will witness one of the most expensive political races in history.  The Obama – Romney Presidential campaigns have raised record amounts of monies due to the corporate endorsement of “super-pacs” and multi-million dollar donations from influential individuals.  But, even though the Obama campaign currently seems to be at a financial downfall in comparison to the Romney donations, a more observant steward of political finesse can easily see the actions of an invisible hand still guiding the perceptions of American voters.

In 2008, when now-President Barack Obama ran a grassroots campaign, he was successful in using social  media and popularity to create an onslaught of contributions.  His name recognition became solidified through simple measures to run ongoing YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and internet-based campaigns.  These campaigns went viral and, for pennies on the dollar, were well worth their investment.  Now, just four years later, the playing field has shifted and the same constituents who were drawn to social media have “tuned out” to the political debacle that has overtaken our airwaves for almost a calendar year.

How, then, can either of these candidates capture our attention?

To me, it appears that there are quite a few people in TV Land who have decided to help out without actually making a financial contribution to either camp.  Although corporations are monetarily throwing their weight behind one candidate, a moral fiber is seemingly operating on a different “frequency” and getting Americans to tune in to truth through the use of truth campaigns on television.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Don't Be A Nickle If You Are Looking For A Dime...

Each morning as I drive to work, I tune in to The Steve Harvey Show.  I listen to this show as it does offer a comedic look at many of today’s influences while still providing some great music from yester-year and today.  A portion of the show is dedicated to Shirley Strawberry as she reads and answers relationship letters.  This portion of the show is appropriately named the “Strawberry Letter”.
 This morning's letter read as follows:

I am a 33 year old women no kids.  I am also an RN. I thought I had found the man of my dreams but, he turned out to be more like the child I wish I never had. Everything was great at first. It took a while to bring him around the family - just to make sure. Then, after we got engaged and started planning the wedding, there were issues with him saving money. He thought the number I set for our guest list was too big. See the thing is, he never had his mom and dad in his life, but I have and with a good foundation. (Judgingby) the way he treated me at (the beginning of the relationship), I did not think it mattered. 
He has female ways; like whining. We even went to counseling and his attitude really started to stink. I'm seeing (that) he is bipolar. I'm truly hurt and can’t stop crying. I don’t know what to do. He's the first guy I've dated like this. I think he's jealous of the bond (that) I have with my family.

He is a Scorpio and just has this strong personality that scares me. I've been having these crazy dreams. I'm just scared and ready to give up. I don't want to settle, but I'm ready to be complete in my life. I have the career and I just want a good man to complete me. But, I have a nasty feeling because what man calls a wedding off that he barely is paying for? Please help me and give advice to a woman who really doesn’t know what to do... I just cannot get over this. PLEASE HELP.

I was a little upset by the fact that every response from the staff told the woman to RUN.  As this was the most obvious and reasonable answer, no one pointed out the fact that the letter reads as an egotistical pat on the back and that the real problem may be the person with the pen…. From my observation, I noticed that the writer makes repeated documentations of her mate's flaws without ever mentioning her own….   Of course, I responded online by saying:

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Nothing More Than A Name - Or Is It?

As a student in my junior high and high school years, I became an avid reader.  I enjoyed the range of writings between the works of Langston Hughes, Edgar Allen Poe and William Shakespeare.  It was Shakespeare who wrote the famous line, “A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet”. 

In Shakespeare’s sonnet, he was speaking of an inanimate object and the irrelevance of a name.  That line; however, could not be further from the truth when speaking about people and the implications of a the choose to call them by.... 
I ask you: "Do we cripple some (not all) children mentally when we choose to call them by a nickname rather than the one we gave them at birth?"  In my opinion, I would say, “Yes”.

When a mother and father are first presented with the thought of a newborn child, they spend countless hours deciding on a name worthy of all their aspirations. Not only are they looking for a name that will set their child apart from others, but they look for a noble name that will bring prestige to its owner.