Everyone has done it. Or, at least, we would like to believe everyone has "done it" just so we can feel better about having "done it" ourselves. But, the reality of the matter is that there is very little merit in midnight meetings that lead nowhere fast.
Appearing as the main theme in movies like Basic Instinct, Knocked Up, and a montage of others, the merit of midnight meetings has been scrutinized on many levels. These movies have been dedicated to finding the value in - and then destroying - the basis of a one-night stand. Thus proving that there is no merit in "hooking up" just for fun.
Even when two people say that they are fully aware of a "no strings attached" encounter, one person always feels emotionally abandoned immediately thereafter. Temporary pleasures can lead to self-hatred on so many levels. Once the "deed" is done, nothing can be done to regain the fleeting feelings of that moment. However, the guilt of having sacrificed your morals and undermining your character causes the onset of completely new feelings which can gnaw at your mental psyche for a prolonged amount of time.
In addition, today's medical dictionary can barely keep up with the new strands of communicable diseases that can be spread through the most intimate of human interactions. Birth rates steadily increase as the number of unwanted pregnancies and unwanted children continue to create a downward spiral of socio-economic problems that continue to plague our country.