Friday, November 22, 2013

Holiday Blessings: Paying It Forward

So often, we hear of people who genuinely care enough about others to give unselfishly.   Priority Payment worker, Joe Desouza, has taken it upon himself to share in his “holiday blessings”.

Joe works in Merchant Financing - AEXP and has been a leading salesperson for several consecutive months.  Realizing that not everyone has the opportunity to create fluidity in their income levels, Joe has taken it upon himself to find one random person who may be in need of spiritual and financial uplifting during this holiday season and he has opted to pay $100.00 of their existing electricity bill.  This random act of kindness will make it possible for the recipient to use that “bill money” toward other needed supplies, gifts, travel, or even a well deserved holiday meal.
Although this is not an act initiated by Priority Payments, Joe wore his logo-embossed T-shirt as a way of letting others know that there is a local business that has caring employees.  Let’s all take this as an example and “pass it on” as we are blessed this holiday! 
Kudos, Joe!  Happy Holidays!  Now, how will you “pass it on”?

1 comment:

  1. MAY GOD BLESS YOU INDEED!!!! That was incredibly thoughtful and I am sure that lady is beyond grateful! You have definitely inspired me to be a “cheerful giver” this holiday season and to bless someone in need.

    Thank you for sharing!



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