Friday, September 30, 2011

He Can't Do Anything Right!

I wake up each morning and watch the news as I get dressed and prepared to go into my day.  This morning, I was shocked to hear the news of the killing of a "lone wolf terrorist", Al-Awlaki, by drones that successfully tracked and destroyed his two-truck convoy in Yemen.  Before I could react with a sigh of relief, a reporter came on who questioned the killing of this former-American citizen who was due his day in court.

Ron Paul, a politician who seemed infuriated by the actions of our military, called into question the constitutional violations of this American traitor.  He went on to say that he would like the President to be responsible for the "rewriting of American laws" as it should have been easy to capture this terrorist and bring them to justice.  Although Ron Paul's views on foreign policy has been questioned and he insists on calling other GOP candidates racist, he has become a candidate for the 2012 Presidential election.

The wave of support that Ron Paul will garner will only serve as "fuel for the fire" as many more find reasons to voice their public disapproval of President Obama in the upcoming 2012 election.  Shaking my head, I wondered how we could take such a proud moment for our military forces and turn it into cause for debate or use it as a wedge to drive a meaningless point of division between two parties.  I just hope this election year passes quickly and the attacks on our country (from within) come to an end so that we can finally focus on the real war that is being fought...

This is just ONE Man's Opinion... What is yours?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

No New Re-Birth For Bishop Long?

Politician Michael Adams asks: "Interesting question: As Bishop Eddie Long continually petitions his parishoners for monies to expand his church after the scandal that rocked the religious community, should he open new churches or work on saving one?" Your thoughts?

Our publisher, Sean C Robinson, replied saying, "Isn't it conceivable to believe that this "building fund" is to help pay off the $25M in lawsuits... I wouldn't contribute a dime until I saw blueprints, pricetags, and estimates on land purchases... That congregation has been lied to before, so they just may continue to be led around by this shepherd as "sheep" for another financial slaughter..."
We realize that this is just ONE Man's Opinion... What is yours?

Why Spend More On War Than US Citizens?

We have spent over $806 billion dollars on the 10 year war in Iraq, yet the government says we have no money left to fund social security, health care, or education here in the United States. Why?

The problem is we (as citizens) need to derail the political agenda of those who only seek to increase the divide. Our current president is becoming frustrated in an America that is being willfully decieved. I pray he has time to salvage hi...s ideas and put America on track. He is being fought on every side - not because his ideas are bad, but because they do not offer profit to the people already inplace!

The monorail system that he proposed to go from Orlando, FL to Atlanta, GA would have created millions in revenue and put thousands of people back to work in two states that have a 9% unemploment rate. It would have also brought major businesses to lesser known areas along the monorail system and boosted the economic strength of an eastern corridor that needs assistance. Why was it rejected? Republicans can't allow a Democrat to fix an problem they created with such ease. These two red states said NO to an issue that their own Governors knew would employ millions because it would make it harder to defeat this president in the NEXT election...

The health care plan allows for parents to keep their college-bound students on their insurance until they are 26. The largest number of uninsured Americans who drive up the cost of premiums are between the ages of 18 and 26. They are college-bound and unemployed risk takers. Implementing a plan like that would eradicate health care as costs are driven DOWN because of the smaller number of uninsured claims. Small businesses could offer health care to employees at a reduced cost and be reimbursed as well. So, why vote against it? Republicans can't allow a Democrat to fix an problem they created with such ease. It would make it harder to defeat this president in the NEXT election...

Bringing the troops home would make our borders safer from illegal immigration as well as make other countries more responsible for their self-hating war - not to mention an $800B savings, so why vote against it? Republicans can't allow a Democrat to fix an problem they created with such ease. It would make it harder to defeat this president in the NEXT election...

Are you starting to see a pattern? Obama has done nothing wrong. He is thinking of a future where we are a stronger, more self-reliant nation. Some people are afraid to lose control, so they strike fear in the hearts of an unsuspecting public - and they use prejudices and stupidity as their tools of influence.

Obama chose his steps wisely and he didn't run into the ring trying to rewrite every policy at once in the most obvious manner. His politics offered a "back door" approach that cannot be easily seen. As you see above, in none of the up-front plans is there a mentioning of the underlying effect. Only a person who is looking beneath the surface would see this and that is the type of reactionary or cascading change he is trying to implement. If everything he suggested was implemented successfully, there would be no war, no high unemployment, we'd have mass transit, a second industrial revolution, and alternative fuels...

If he had gone in and said too many things up-front, he would have been considered cocky and arrogant. He tried to find allies and put his agenda to work in a roundabout way that would still have the same impact. I applaud him for his tactics in the first term. I believe that, if he is fortunate enough to win a second term, we will all see a very different and much more aggressive Obama... I just pray he will beef up his security...

But, this is just ONE Man's Opinion... What is yours?

Your Money, Their Hands: Who Truly Benefits From A Recession?

Why do banks raise useage fees during a recession?   Why did MARTA just raise a monthly fare card from $60 to $95 and stop all service to Clayton County? Why did Starbucks raise the price of my latte but fail to increase the size of the cup?  Hmm... I'm starting to think that there is no recession, we are just feeling the immediate impact of corporate inflation.

If large companies want to increase revenues, they may want to endorse the old adage of "drawing more flies with honey". By saying that, I am stating that it would be better to maintain your customer base by offering incentives for loyal customers and perks for new ones. Increasing fees in a dwindling economy only hurts middle and lower class Americans whose incomes are already exhausted.

The panic created by the ripple effect of larger companies increasing fees and reporting losses causes a downward spiral in spending trends. Now, if it costs more for me to access and account for my own money, I will begin to hold on tighter to my income. The overall effect is less spending, less customer loyalty, and a greater recession.

Sad, but we seem to be creating a larger instability by allowing privately held companies that make millions of dollars a day in profit to dictate how we buy and spend. Then, because we refuse t fix the laws which govern and we feel that we have no one else to blame, we point the finger at others and say the recession is their "fault" when (in actuality) it begins and ends in boardrooms across America, not the White House.

This is just ONE Man's Opinion... What is yours?