Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Are You Here To Help Or Hinder?

Long ago, I noticed that people come into your life for either a reason, a season, or a lifetime.  I tried to relay this information to a friend through writing; however, the message seem muddled by the use of words.  So, to make things much easier to digest, I simply stated, “people are either one of three things: to help, to hinder, or to serve as a cause for hesitation.”  This, she seemed to get…

The most obvious people to be identified are those who have come into your life to help you.  They are teachers in some way because you may learn from them in many different ways.  Some lead by example while others coddle and hand-hold you through a situation.  Either way, you are rewarded for their kinship because you become a better person for simply having known them.
Another group of people who are easy to identify are those who have come to hinder or harm you.  They may have hidden agendas or operate openly with no regard for your well-being.  Not every person willingly hinders your growth, but it is important to be wise enough that you can identify whether a person’s actions are self-serving and done with no reflection on how negatively received actions will weaken a friendship.   In many cases, we consider these people as needy, selfish, or “dramatic”.  Although they may provide great entertainment value in some forums, these same people can be considered draining or even toxic to some relationships.