Monday, April 8, 2013

From Influence To Inspiration: Finding The Faith To Move On

Sometimes, life seems to be a road filled with stumbling blocks.  But, those who learn to navigate the troubles of life are the ones we look to as heroes.  

Sometimes, we find heroes in the most unlikely of places.  Rather than those who we consider to be upstanding in the community or pillars of truth, we find greater strength in those who have triumphed over diversities.  Whether they have overcome the hardships of bitter marriages, drug addictions, spiritual trials or fleshly battles, a hero can only be defined by those who are in need of direction at that moment in time.

As no one is truly able to ever "cast the first stone" in life, we all find influence and/or inspiration in those who surround us.  An influence could be either negative or positive.  They provide us with the tools and persuasions to move toward an obtainable goal.  They feed our minds with the energy of possibilities; yet, they do little or nothing to fuel our spirits.  Without them, the desire to reach the same goals may not exist or (with time) may wain altogether.

An inspiration; however, is completely different.  The inspirational anchors in our lives provide us with living examples of trials and triumphs.  They provide us with a reference point for situations in our lives that are paralleled by their own.  We draw the strength that we need in order to successfully endure our battles and believe in the possibility of overcoming adversities based on their public testimony.  

Most, but not all, inspirations are spiritual. Many transcend a level of understanding that can be used a vanguard to life's experiences.  These aspirations act as mentors who allow us to have clarity when focusing on goals and objectives.  

But, it is in the communality of our struggles that we find the strength to shoulder one's pains and sorrows.  We are all, in some way, stewards to one another.  Whether it is a fleeting moment of advice, a situational solution, or a lifelong  battle of integrity, we are all mentors to someone else at some point. 

Have you ever wondered why the bible speaks of so many varied ways of receiving a healing for the same afflictions?  Why did some have to wade in the water while others dipped themselves seven times?  Why did some have mud placed over their eyes while others were simply healed by touching a garment?  I personally believe that the triumph is personal, but the testimony is public.  Others had to see what was done in order to believe that the same could be done in their lives.  Now, it is up to us to continue to be living examples of faith by example.

Today, and every day, I encourage you to simply "pick up your bed and walk" because your trial may very well be for intended for someone else to realize their triumph.  Remember that you are always a shining example of endurance and perseverance and someone somewhere is watching you and secretly depending on you to overcome the odds and stand tall as their "hero".

As I said, we all find strength in one another. And, more often that we realize it, we all find heroes in the most unlikely of circumstances...

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