Friday, September 7, 2012

Finish Line: A Chance To Start Again

In recent months, my posts have taken on a theme of “matters of the heart” as many readers have decided to send me personal emails asking for my advice.  After offering my vantage point, I then, share the advice minus the initial request with you; my forum.  I am flattered to be considered trustworthy enough to confide in by so many.  Now, if I can just figure out how Dr. Phil got his own TV show… LOL.

In essence, a hollow victory is not a victory at all.  But, reaching the FINISH LINE (or the end of a situation) allows you to start over with a new energy.  After discovering an infidelity during a relationship it is hard to learn to trust again.  Explanations and excuses seem to be just as abundant as doubt and confusion.  Did I do something wrong?  Am I not enough?  Why her/him?  What does she/he have/do that I don’t?

Clearly, the only way to overcome the awkwardness of a situation like this is to simply end the affair or begin again - from the beginning...  Yes, in order to build the trust needed for a solid foundation, it may take starting over.  Go out on “first dates”, talk openly about your desires, and fall in love all over again.  It will not be easy to continue with your previous relationship because something is flawed, so wipe the slate clean and begin anew with little or no reference to the past.