Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Art Of War: Genocide Begins With The Black Male

Listen and respond....

Hidden Colors - War Against Black Men

Social injustices will continue to freckle our history until we learn that we have to become more than agitators. We cannot request a system of oppression that was built on the basis of cultural genocide to actually reprimand itself. Until we learn to write our own legislation into the governing books of law, then we can only expect to be looked upon as "sheep for the slaughter" who simply don't know the rules to this game.

Personally, I do not support protesting unless there is a measurable goal trying to be achieved.... Public protesting is no more than a visual irritant to an oppressive system. The only effective measures that must be taken would be to march after signing petitions which penalize actions or offer legislative suggestion that could, then, be turned into laws which will govern the future actions of those involved. In saying that, I'm merely suggesting that these same protesters seek legal guidance first. By having a bill created and signed as a petition by thousands, new laws could be written that would immediately strip rights and privileges away from anyone who kills or injures (voluntarily or involuntarily) a person while in the act of attempting to incarcerate them.

If an officer knew that there was a law that governed the aftermath of their pulling the trigger or performing a life threatening maneuver, they would be less likely to use deadly force on citizens. Rather than administrative leave with pay, strip them of their badge, demand six months of retraining and PTSD counseling before being allowed to reapply for an administrative career in police enforcement, and offer absolutely no administrative leave. By suggesting an extreme repercussion for mishandling their authority, policemen would reconsider their actions in even the most heated engagements.

The visual impact of public protests shows that we have power in our collective strengths. Before this happens again... Before we create another hashtag... And, while we can still breathe...   Let's just learn to play their game by adding our own laws written by our own communities into the books of law that so loosely govern this country. We have strength in our numbers, but because we don't study the laws or know the rules of the game, then we will always irritate the system, but (in the end) do nothing to control our fate.

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