Monday, April 8, 2019

Remove Toxic People From Your Life

Today's realization: I AM SUPERMAN.

For months, a friend of mine has constantly reminded me that " You are not Superman."; asking me to slow down and pace myself because I can't do everything I had set in my mind to accomplish.  Foolishly, I listened; therefore, becoming a different person to some degree.  Every day, I allowed more and more of these outside opinions of my personality to reshape my thought process, alter my personal habits, and distort my perception of reality.  For months,  I'd listened to condescending advice and misguided opinions that slowly chipped away at the person I was until I was no longer a person I knew.

More recently, I've abandoned this toxic mentality and severed ties with that same friend.  You see, I had to realize that happiness means something different to every person.  I'd found myself in a situation that was good for someone else, but stressful for me.  I'd repeatedly tried to align myself with someone else's idea of happiness and forgotten my own.  I actually had an epiphany at the oddest moment one night and realized that I was better than the negative energies around me and the best thing I could do for myself was to simply walk away.

You see, I'm the same person who started a successful magazine at 30, created my own radio show at 45, penned my first book at 50, and who will soon emerge with a new business and an amazing, supportive partner this year.  You see, we are exactly  what we envision ourselves to be.  If we accept negativity as truths, we only deceive ourselves and we fail to reach our true potential.  As I drove away from my situation, I looked in the rearview mirror and said goodbye to an experience that stunted my growth for almost a year.  Then, I looked at myself in the same mirror and reintroduced  myself to me.  Yes, I am Superman.  I am an amazing, innovative entrepreneur with a future so bright that I have to wear sun shades indoors!  My kryptonite is now a thing of the past.

So if someone you trust - or even love - casts doubt and deception into your life and causes you to slow down to their pace instead of your own, then get rid of that person and replace their negative energy with the positive energy of new friends who applaud and encourage your God given talents.  You have the ability to speak life over your circumstances and thrive in every situation you are faced with.  

In order to see clearly, you have to get rid of toxic relationships, friends who are going nowhere fast, and suicidal people who don't have any personal goals of their own.  Their energy can be draining and cause you to lose everything you've worked to become in less than a year's time. 

Separate yourself from foolishness.  Walk in the path of the success that has already been ordained in your life.  Encourage yourself when no one else will and realize just how great you are!  Some people can't see your reality because their pathway in life may be dark and filled with despair; a product of the bad choices they've made and continue to make in life.  Don't align yourself with their downward spiral.  Let them walk that path alone and learn to focus on yourself.

Today, I encourage you to survey your surroundings and walk away from negative influences that have caused you to stray from your success.  Take the time to look yourself in the mirror and say, "I am greater than my circumstance.  I am smarter than the foolishness that surrounds me.  I am destined for much more than anyone bound in despair could ever imagine.  I am a walking, talking, personification of a blessing.  I am a God!"  

You see, positive affirmations become positive actions. Speak life and, in turn,  the Universe will begin to open doors and lead better people and more affluent energies into your life.  Thrive in knowing how great you are.  Be wise enough to know who should not whisper doubts into your ears and mask the true destiny of your life.  Walk away from anyone who does not see your potential or tries to drag you into a life that you weren't designed to live.  

Stay on your journey and remain true to yourself.  Acknowledge that some experiences are only meant to be short lived, but when they end, they end.  Don't be distracted by someone else's illusions of good and bad.  Remain true to your goals and separate yourself from anything less than your ultimate goal in life.  Convince yourself to be the greatest you possible and walk away from toxic people.  And, when it's all said and done, you just may look back at the stumbling blocks in your life and smirk at the nay Sayers you've had to dismiss because their path in life simply wasn't yours. 

Renew your energy.  Restore your focus.  And, let your haters be your motivators!



  1. One thing to know is…. ALWAYS PAY ATTN TO WHAT A PERSON DOESNT SAY. A person will tell u everything if you just be quiet and create a safe place. Advantage you!!!


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